Tuesday, December 24, 2019

In What Ways Were the Byzantine and Islamic Civilizations...

A. Student AMH2010: United States History to 1877 Professor McKeown October 1, 2012 Book Review: The Black Codes of the South Although this book is titled, â€Å"The Black Codes of the South,† the writer begins his story discussing slavery, then leads up to emancipation, where four million slaves were freed. The freedom of slaves brought about the enactment of the Black Codes in the southern states. Interestingly, the writer includes newspaper sources from the South, as well as the North, excerpts from various plantation owners ‘diaries, notices and laws. The Black Codes came to fruition because the Southerners needed them as laborers , and because the free Negros were not anxious to sign contracts, the South labeled them as idle and vagrants†¦show more content†¦The article begins with a brief biography of President Johnson, who although, never attended school, had a skill for public speaking, which led him to politics and in Lincoln taking notice of him. In December 1865, the Radical Republicans (a foe of Johnson), gained control after Congress denied the southerners representative s seats. By April of 1866, Congress enacted the Civil Rights Act in response to the Black Codes, leading to power struggles and name calling between Congress and President Johnson. Congress also over-rode some of Johnson’s vetoes, further limiting his power. As Johnson got further out of control, a special committee voted to impeach him on the grounds of â€Å"high crimes and misdemeanors† (History.com). After reading this article, I came to the conclusion that perhaps Johnson was a ‘southern sympathizer’ who indeed deserved impeachment. â€Å"Presidential Impeachment Proceedings.† History.com. The History Place. n. d. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. lt;http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/impeachments/johnson.htmgt; E-Source Review: Trial By Fire, A People’s History of the Civil War and Reconstruction This article details some of the Black Codes enacted by various southern states. Although as sad as it was to read these laws, it is important that it be known so history does not repeat itself. The Black Codes have been likened to slavery, onlyShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pagesthe twentieth century does not appear to be a very coherent unit. The beginnings and ends of what we choose to call centuries are almost invariably years of little significance. But there is little agreement over when the twentieth century c.e. arrived, and there were several points both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausiblyRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 PagesPicatrix (The Aim of the Sage) of al-Majriti, Maslamati ibn Ahmad II. Summary of the Contents of the Picatrix III. Excerpt from a Lecture on Alchemy by Terence McKenna On the Moon and the Lunar Mansions IV. Extracts on the Moon V. The Mansions of the Moon: â€Å"On the Creation, Proportion and Composition of the Heavens for the Fashioning of Images† VI. The Picatrix: Lunar Mansions in Western Astrology VII. W. B. Yeats and â€Å"A Vision:† The Arab Mansions of the Moon On Ritual and Talismans Picatrix Astrological

Monday, December 16, 2019

Contribution Durkheim Bullet Points Free Essays

Contribution of Emile Durkheim (bullet points) Religion Durkheim believed that god concept is collective creation and power that is used by groups to direct the behaviour of its members. The basic principles of religion and rituals is to keep solidarity in the society especially in the periods of conflict. Function of religion is not to worship the god but the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Contribution Durkheim Bullet Points or any similar topic only for you Order Now Within division of labour Durkheim made clear distinction between mechanical and organic solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is characterised in traditional societies with simple division of labour. Individuals are highly constrained by the values, norms and regulation of the society. When member deviates from this norms he might be most probably rejected by the group. Individualism is not supported ad degrees of freedom are few. Organic solidarity is common for contemporary societies where there is higher differentiation of labour. Differentiation of labour is happening in relation to population density. More and more people are living in same area with similar activities. Tension is rising, and the only way to overcome these tensions is to have more specialised activities. Division of labour develops in relation to population density. Individuals are having their own specialities and are mutually dependent. Differentiated societies are creating unique individual. Individual has personal opinion, religion, freedom†¦. and there is clear line between them and society (private problems and public concerns). The division of labour is not making only marked exchange relationship but the feeling of solidarity. Social solidarity consists of integration of individuals and regulation. Social solidarity is social fact that can be observed only by external indicators, like the law. Law tends to be repressive and restitutive. Conformity in mechanic society is held by repressive system, while conformity in organic societies is held by restituitive force. Two abnormal situations in organic societies is anomie and egoism. Suicide He explained suicide in terms of the degree to which a person is joined into social life. At the low end of social unity, there is anomic suicide, in which people destroy themselves because social bonds die and life becomes meaningless to them. Then when people are tightly integrated and there is a threat to the social group, people may sacrifice themselves in order to protect the group. Anomic suicide also proved that suicide increases as society falls apart. How to cite Contribution Durkheim Bullet Points, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Text and Traditions Discussion on Marxian View

Question: Discuss about theText and Traditions for Discussion on Marxian View. Answer: Introduction The essay highlights the theme of Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto. Communist Manifesto is a co-work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel. The central idea of the Marxian theory is class struggle and rise of new society. In the Marxian view the class is defined according to the ownership of property. Evolve of a society has several stages such as primitive society, slave society, feudal society, capitalism and socialism (Lichtheim, 2015). According to Marx, a particular society sustains until the relation between the two different classes exists without confliction. The society breaks due to rise of class struggle. For example, a feudal society exists due to the existence of social relation between the proletariat, bourgeois and landlord. The essay analyses the development of the idea of enlightenment, freedom and equality in the Communist Manifesto of Mark. Enlightenment shows development of successive stages. Arrangement of various societal orders has been discussed in this book. The Com munist Manifesto had been written in the context of industrial revolution and against the capitalism. Discussion Karl Marks viewed the social progress because of changing control on the means of production. Means of production in a society are land, factories and the required machinery. Marx mentioned in Communist Manifesto, Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered forms, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes (Engels Marx, 2016). A relation between different classes in the economy exists as long as dominated class considers the control of ruling class. A particular type of society evolves based on the modes of production (James, 2015). Modes of production change over different types of society. The upper class in the society controls the means of production and exploits the lower class. Development of a society occurs to the next stage due to growth of class conflicts. This process is termed in Communist Manifesto as historical materialism. Berlin (2013) cited the quotation of Marx as, All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with th eir train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions are swept away; all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life and his relations with his kind. Immanuel Kant described the enlightenment in the form of overcoming the self-regulated immaturity. This overcoming is possible due to having the power and freedom to use reasoning (Laski, 2014). In the Marxian view, lack of maturity in the society is the driving force of different modes of production in the society. Immaturity of one class gives opportunity to the ruling class to exploit the weaker section of the society. Marx opined enlightenment is the result of communist revolution. When, people start to realise with the self power of reasoning that they are exploited, they start to rebel against the system. The proletariat are seemed to be fool as they think themselves free, when they are actually not. They think themselves as an individual rather than a part of the wider society. They fail to realise the essence of human being. Marx explained that as long as one has to sell the labour without having ownership over it and the labour is sold to buy necessary things such as foods a nd clothing, the individual is not free (Akpan, 2016). As stated by Real (2015), Marx mentioned only about material freedom rather than ideological freedom. The class conflicts between the land lord and the proletariat gives birth of capitalism. Marks found that class conflicts first developed in the factories. The concept of freedom in Communist Manifesto is described in the context of capitalist society. In the context of freedom, Marx commented, It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, it has set up that single, unconscionable freedom -- free trade (Engels, 2015). Marx emphasised on free trade as a symbol of freedom in capitalist society. However, he argued that free trade concept actually leads to reduction in freedom rather than increase. In the society, both positive and negative forces exist. Negative freedom imposes restriction on people to do the desirable work, whereas the positive freedom implies the capacity of people to determine the best possible action. Free trade gives freedom to the capitalist to for making profit without any barrier. In the feudal so ciety, the proletariat has no right over the property and over the means of production (Mi Mao, 2013). The bourgeois controls the means of production. In the capitalist society, the workers gain the freedom to sell their labour to the capitalist. However, once the labour is sold, the labourer has no freedom to control the labour within working hour. The capitalist can exploit the labour as per wish. Unlike the feudal society, the workers in the capitalist society have only freedom choose to work or not to wok. However, the labourer has no freedom to control the means of production. In the capitalist society, the positive freedom exists because of the struggle of the labourer. Legalising limiting hour of work, restriction on use of child labour, right of free education, power of trade union are the power of the working class, which restricts the power of the capitalist. Capitalist has freedom to exploit labour wage. The trade union and government restrict this freedom by imposing minimum wage law. According to Kant theory, freedom is not that what people think to be done wilfully, however, freedom is the capacity of not doing the desirable duty (Arnfred, 2014). This theory contradicts the Marxian view of freedom. Marxian view refers that the real freedom exists in the presence of positive relation among the community and not in the isolation. Marx described in the Communist Manifesto that a negative relation exists always between the upper class and the exploited class. When the exploitation reaches at the maximum level of tolerance, the ruled class raises voice against the ruling class. In the view of Marx, the rulers win the power of control over means of production. In the feudal society, the property owners own the property and land. The farmers produce using their own labour on which they have no control. Inequality increases in the society. The feudal lord has less incentive to improve production process. The property owner without further investment consumes the surplus amount of production. In the capitalist society, the capitalist has control over the capital. The concept of wage labour arises in the capitalist society (McLellan, 2013). The workers are not given the true value of work. Therefore, the capitalist and property owners become richer by appropriating the surplus production and the working class become poorer. This system aggravates the situation of inequality. Marx argued in favour of elimination of property right. He commented that the private property right is the source of exploitation and the reason of inequality in the society. In order to avoid the class conflicts, the property needs to be owned by the state and not the specific class in the society. Laski (2014) argued in favour of private property. In the view of the anti-Marxist, people would have less incentive to work in the absence of private property. However, Marx highlighted that there was no working hour limit in the feudal society, though here was no private property rights. Communism is the class less society in the view of Marx. Communism is the last stage of development of human society, where there will be equality among different section in the society. The state would maintain the property and irrigate all the uncultivated land. All the people would get equal opportunity to access means of production according to their ability. As discussed in the Communist Manifesto, the capital and social class are building upon the concept inequality in the capitalist society. Capitalist absorbs the surplus value produced by the workers. The surplus value is reinvested in the production to appropriate surplus amount in future. Success of this system is the driving force of capital accumulation in the society. Supporting the view of Marx, Engels (2015) mentioned that the State creates an economic and political environment, where this kind of capital accumulation can succeed. Marx advocated the equality not in terms individual equality but in terms of suppressed social class. The equality in society needs to provide equal opportunity of work and equal wage for the employees irrespective of gender and religion. Conclusion The study has analysed the Marxian view of enlightenment, freedom and social equality. The concept of enlightenment grows from the power of reasoning among the individuals. The way of thinking, understanding of social relation determine the mode of production in the society. Communist Manifesto analyses the social relation, class struggle and development of society. Free trade is the source of freedom for the capitalist. Free trade facilitates the capitalists to make more profit and too exploit the working class. The exercise of freedom of one class reduces freedom of another class in a same society. In the Marxian view, the existence of private property right is the source of inequality in the society. Communism is a stage of development, where no class struggle exist in the view of Marx. Hence, in communist society, there will be no exploitation, no equality and the workers will have control over their means of production. References Akpan, B. S. (2016). Karl Marx Alienation and the Nigerian Workers.Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research,2(8). Arnfred, S. (2014). Marx In The 1990's-From A Feminist Point Of View. Notes on 1. the shortcomings and 2. the continued usefulness of Marx's thinking.Occasional Paper, (10), 79-94. Berlin, I., (2013).Karl Marx. Princeton University Press. Engels, F. Marx, K., (2016).The Manifesto of the Communist. Karl Marx. Engels, K.M.F., (2015).The manifesto of the Communist Party. Karl Marx Friedrich Engels. James, D. (2015). Allen W. Wood, The Free Development of Each: Studies on Freedom, Right, and Ethics in Classical German Philosophy. Reviewed by.Philosophy in Review,35(2), 121-123. Kamenka, E. (2015).The Ethical Foundations of Marxism (RLE Marxism)(Vol. 3). Routledge. Laski, H. J. (2014).Communism (Works of Harold J. 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